Simple math: The more books in the search results, the more money you make.
In a side-by-side comparison, on average Zen Arbitrage shows over 10x more results per search over any other tool.
12 month average sales data
We show average sales rank.
Fact: Any tool that only shows you current sales rank or fake "scores" is losing you tons and tons of money.
The only way to prevent getting stuck with a book that won’t sell is to know its 12-month average rank.
True: We offer a pre-sorted list of profitable books
We call this "Search Circumvention." For a small amount, you can pay other Zen Arbitrage members for books they have already found, and skip searching entirely.
We show trade-in value for every book.
See a book's Amazon trade-in value side by side with its selling price, allowing you to find books selling for less than their trade-in value, and profit the difference.
Fast, nearly risk-free profits.
FBA prices for Everything
The most valuable data: Delivered on a platter.
Unlike any other tool, we show you FBA offers for everything (not just "outliers.")
Fact: Other tools have been caught kicking members out for asking why they don't have the FBA data we have.
Track all sales & profits, right within Zen Arbitrage.
With our built-in sales tracking tool, see what books you've bought, and automatically calculate all profits.
Only with Zen Arbitrage.
Never ship (or see) a book
Use Zen Arbitrage from anywhere in the world.
We set you up with our prep service partner who will receive and ship all books for you.
Run a virtual business where you never have to see or touch a book.
A virtual PhD in Amazon selling.
Our videos guarantee you don't need any Amazon experience to get started.
Get started fast with just a couple videos, or take it to the next level with dozens of bonus trainings.
Get instantly alerted to book price drops via email.
There is no end to the amount of money you can make with this one.
Set up price drop alerts for as many books as you want. As soon as the price drops below the price you set, we'll send you an email instantly.
Live charts showing historical sales.
For every book, we display a detailed graph showing its sales history and price history.
Our historical graphs can make (or save) you thousands.
Real-time data, directly from Amazon.
Other tools will try to tell you this isn't even possible. We figured out how.
Don't risk seeing stale data in your search results.
All our used, new, and FBA data is accurate down to the second.
Get together and strategize with other Zen Arbitrage members.
In addition to our huge training library, you'll get access to other exclusive videos and bonuses here.
This is the "secret lounge" where tricks are traded and strategies shared.
Enjoy an automated profit pipeline, in 3 parts:
1. Our prep service partner receives & ships books for you (never touch a book).
2. Our Arbitrage Marketplace gives you a list of profitable books (skip searching).
3. Our virtual assistant min-course teaches how to hire overseas labor to do everything.
Have your purchases analyzed by real humans.
One of the biggest concerns among newer sellers: "Should I buy this book or not?"
Send a link to any book you're considering, and a member of our team will get back to you, letting you know if the book is a good buy, & exactly why (or why not).
No-click scan of 40+ sites
Instantly find the cheapest price on the internet.
For every book, get an automated scan of over 40 bookselling sites for the cheapest copy - no clicking required.
Save massive money insuring you're always purchasing the cheapest possible copy.
All the other zen exclusives
Over 15 other tools & technologies no one else offers.*Export searches to a spreadsheet.
*Publisher search option.
*Turn searches into cash without buying anything.
*Shipping prices displayed.
...and tons more.